The Means for Accomplishment called ‘Blazing Wheel’
Alternatively referred to as ‘The 13 Chakras Mantra’ (tsakra bcu gsum gyi sngags) – because its dhāraṇī includes the term cakra 13 times – this practice presents a sūtra-like scenario in which Buddha Śākyamuni reveals a dhāraṇī for subduing enemies and demonic forces. This practice was revealed by Tulku Zangpo Drakpa as a terma-treasure from Gyang Yönpo and was transmitted to Rigdzin Gödem (1337 – 1408).
* Multiple versions are available to download.
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v.1 The Means for Accomplishment called ‘Blazing Wheel’
Translated by Stefan Mang and Peter Woods, 2017
Tibetan, English, Transliteration
Size: 8.5×11 in
v.2 The Means for Accomplishment called ‘Blazing Wheel’
English only
Size: 8.5×11 in
v.3 The Means for Accomplishment called ‘Blazing Wheel’
Tibetan, English, Transliteration
Translated by Sean Price (Gelon Tenzin Jamchen), 2014
Size: 8.5×11 in