Seven-Fold Prayer
The Seven-Fold Prayer also referred too as the Seven Limbs Prayer is from Samantabhadra’s Prayer to Noble Deeds. It consists of the seven noble limbs of paying homage to those worthy of veneration, making offerings to the noble ones, confessing one’s sins and faults, rejoicing in the virtues of the noble ones and all sentient beings, requesting that the noble ones turn the wheel of dharma, beseeching those who can pass into final nirvana not to do so but to remain to benefit beings, and dedicating whatever virtue gained towards perfectly enlightened Buddhahood.
* Multiple versions are available to download.
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v.1 Seven-Fold Prayer
Translated by Venerable Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen, Chodrung-ma Kunga Chodron, and John Golden.
Tibetan, English, Transliteration
Size: 6×9 in
v.2 Seven-Fold Prayer
English only
Size: 8.5×11 in
v.3 Seven-Fold Prayer
English only
Size: 8.5×11 in
v.4 Seven-Fold Prayer
English only
Size: 8.5×11 in