༄༅། །གྲུབ་ཐོབ་ཐང་སྟོང་རྒྱལ་པོའི་རྡོ་རྗེའི་གསུང་ནད་ཀྱི་འཇིགས་པ་ཞི་བའི་གསོལ་འདེབས་ས་སྐྱ་ནད་གྲོལ་མ་ནི། །
The Vajra Speech which Saved Sakya From Epidemics: A Prayer for Pacifying the Fear of Disease by the Siddha Thangtong Gyalpo;
also known simply as The Prayer which Saved Sakya from Epidemics
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When the great seat of the Sakyapas was assailed by a multitude of epidemics, the tantrikas and shamans tried all kinds of practices – ransom – rituals, torma-offerings, healing mantras and protection ceremonies – but nothing worked. Sakya was on the point of becoming completely depopulated. The great accomplished siddha Thangtong Gyalpo told the people to practice the refuge formula which begins, ‘Our mothers, infinite as space…’, accumulate a large number of recitations of the mani, and conclude with this prayer. They did as he said, and as a result all the epidemics immediately disappeared. This prayer, whose vajra words emanate clouds of blessings, became famous as ‘The Prayer which Saved Sakya from Epidemics.’
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