Guidelines for Transference of Merit on Behalf of the Deceased
A means for helping the deceased. This manual consists of four prayers to help in the accumulation of merit and purification of obscurations of the departed.
These prayers can be observed on behalf of the deceased for a prescribed amount of time such as 49 days; or, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Those who wish to practice the observance more frequently on behalf of the deceased are encouraged to do so.
* Multiple versions are available to download.
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v.1 Guidelines for Transference of Merit on Behalf of the Deceased (print)
Translated by Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen, Chodrung-ma Kunga Chodron, John Golden, and the members of Sakya Phuntsok Ling.
Tibetan, English, Transliteration
Size: 6×9 in
v.2 Guidelines for Transference of Merit on Behalf of the Deceased (web-viewing)
Translated by Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen, Chodrung-ma Kunga Chodron, John Golden, and the members of Sakya Phuntsok Ling.
Two-page web-viewing
Tibetan, English, Transliteration
Size: 6×9 in