Sachen Foundation is a grant giving public foundation supporting Dharma education and publication
prioritized by His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin.

Monastic Support

Monastics devote their lives to upholding the noble teachings of the Lord Buddha through study, contemplation, and performing rituals. The monastic community also plays a vital role for the lay Buddhist community and general public by providing teachings, transmission, and guidance. To ensure the future of monasticism, Sachen Foundation has created the Sachen Fund to support the education of monks and nuns.


In order to nurture and develop the next generation of Buddhists, it is vital to provide children with a basic Buddhist education. Sachen Foundation supports the development of children’s curriculum and lesson plans that Buddhist centers, schools, and parents can use. Furthermore, to support lay adult students and practitioners, Sachen Foundation will be awarding scholarships to translators, retreatants, and students engaged in advanced Buddhist studies.

Preserving the Buddhist Teachings

The precious teachings of the Lord Buddha, various Sakya masters, and masters of different traditions are the authentic sources of Dharma that we rely on. It is the wish of His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin to collect, preserve, translate, and publish many of the rare texts that are in danger of being lost. This supports lay practitioners and centers through the publication of practice texts and teachings. It also preserves for future generations, the teachings of contemporary masters in different types of media.