Jia-Jing Lee received her Ph.D. degree in Medicine Science specializing in cancer genetics at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden. She also completed her postdoctoral research fellowship at the Harvard Medical School, United States. Prior to that, she received her bachelor’s degree with honors at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and worked as a cancer researcher in Singapore.
Born and raised in a Buddhist family, Jia-Jing became a student of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen in 1990 and of His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche in 1991.
Since 2002, She has volunteered at several local Buddhist centers in the cities where she was residing in various capacities as translator, editor, transcriber, project coordinator, librarian, and social media and website manager. She also assisted two local Dharma organizations in forming a Buddhist program for children.
In 2018, under the auspices of H.H. the Sakya Trichen, she founded The Sakya Tradition, Inc., a non-profit Buddhist organization dedicated to preserving and making widely available the precious Dharma teachings of the glorious Sakya lineage. The organization is under the direction of Their Holiness the Sakya Trichen and the 42nd Sakya Trizin. She is currently serving as the President, translator, and editor of The Sakya Tradition. In 2022, H.H. the 42 nd Sakya Trizin appointed her as a board member of Sachen Foundation and as a member of the Thus Have I Heard team.
She currently devotes her time between volunteering for the Dharma and homeschooling her two children, the fourth-generation devotees of H.H. the Sakya Trichen in her family. Jia-Jing is passionate in humanity services and aspires to implementing the Buddha’s teachings in everyday life to better serve others.