Five Aspiration Prayers from the Sakya Tradition
Originally published and printed by Chuan Boon Printing Co. in the late 90’s by friends and practitioners of the Sakya Tradition.
Description: Included in this publication are five commonly recited aspiration prayers within the Sakya tradition, including:
*Multiple versions are available. Version 1 is suitable for printing; version 2 is suitable for web-based two-page viewing.
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This is a free publication and work may be copied or printed for fair use, but only with full attribution, and not for commercial advantage or personal compensation. Translator attributions are found after each translated work where applicable. May be revised periodically for corrections, update translations, formatting, etc.
Typos happen. If you discover a mistake or error in either the Tibetan or English texts notify us at archive@sachenfoundation.
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v.1 Five Aspiration Prayers from the Sakya Tradition (print version)
Tibetan, English, Transliteration
Size: 6×9 in
v.2 Five Aspiration Prayers from the Sakya Tradition (web-viewing version)
Tibetan, English, Transliteration
Size: 6×9 in